Monday, June 3, 2013

Unexciting Day, Except... - Houston to New Orleans

I had big plans for today that involved getting up at 6:00 to go running in the Houston Arboretum, then visiting an outdoor living history museum, and a collection of 19th century furnishings.  Trouble is, I drank w-a-y too much iced tea while we were driving and I didn't get much sleep.  We did eventually make it to the Arboretum for a walk, where we spotted a water snake and a bunch of birds and turtles.  However, when we saw a sign saying to watch for copperheads and coral snakes, Hailey and I decided it was time to go.

We spent the rest of the day driving.  Again.  And by we, I mean me.  We followed Highway 10 through southern Texas and into Louisiana, among oak trees, grass and shrubs and eventually along an elevated roadway above Louisiana swamps.

The many water towers around here remind me of these: Tripods  Have you ever read The Tripod books, by John Christopher?  Deliciously chilling science fiction, which was made into a British tv series in the 80's - see above.  I drive along pretending that at any moment the long, snaky arm of a Tripod will reach out to draw me up into its open maw, only to return me to earth, capped and forever sedated a few hours later!  Bwahaha!

But that's not the exciting part of our day.  This is so totally cool!  We cooked dinner...are you ready for this?...on our engine!  We really did!  And it worked.  I've heard this called "freeway chicken" before, and Karl and I made it once years ago.  Looking online just now, I also found the terms "engine cooking", "manifold destiny", and "wasted heat picnics.  There's even an online cookbook dedicated to the art of Road Roast.  Sadly, it appears that this hasn't taken off, since the site holds only one recipe, for hot dogs.

We roasted smoked sausage, onions, potatoes, bell pepper and zucchini.  Check it out!

 The ingredients.


 Wrap in lots of foil.

Place on the engine.

 Drive for awhile, and...


Serious fun.  And I have leftover potatoes, onion and zucchini, so we'll probably do it again.  Steak anyone?!

1 comment:

  1. Gives new meaning to the term 'road food'... glad it was nummy! Next, you could try fish basted in lime juice and cooked by the heat of the sun (engine), such as they do in Peru. Or not!
