Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring Vacation 2014

A couple of weeks ago, we took a little spring vacation on the Oregon coast.  The cottage we rented was just adorable, which was a good thing, because we spent most of the week in it, reading, playing games, and cooking.  When we ventured out, it was often just to go to the beach across the street.

I sat in this bedroom chair a lot, reading.  Lovely little chair.  Our bedroom had a whole wall of windows looking out toward the beach, which we could have seen, if not for the big hotel across the street.  But we could hear it.

Brennan had a little loft nook all to himself.

We did go out to eat at Mo's, because everyone said we should.  Then we took a freezing cold walk on the beach, and retreated back to the cottage.

We also checked out the Tillamook cheese factory.  Mmm, cheese.

And, um, dubious cheese by-products?


And you know what goes with cheese?!

The five-flavor sampler - a great idea for the indecisive!

We had a very relaxing trip.  The kids took a million pictures of themselves, which I'll post separately.

Monday, April 7, 2014

An Unexpected Happening

I just had An Adventure.  I was going to run at the gym, but found it closed at 7:00, so I decided to try the track, because although outdoors (and hence in the rain), I thought it would at least be well lit and safe.  

Sure enough, it was.  The big lights were on because of a soccer game in the middle field, but the track was wide open.  So I buzzed along, in warmish weather, no rain or wind, feeling great, for about 2 miles.  Then the game ended, and people were kind of standing around in groups.  Eventually they left, and the lights went out, but no problem, the sky was still a little bit light, and the track is obstacle-free anyway.  I'm feeling great, and wondering if I should go ahead and do 5 miles, but I'm doing a long run tomorrow, so I figure I'll stop at 4.  I get a drink, walk for a bit to cool down, and head up toward my car.

And that's when I discovered that I was locked in.  Locked in!  To the entire stadium. I prowled the high fenceline, like a cat, looking for any opening that I could squeeze through, an unlocked padlock, a hole in the fence.  Nothing.

But no problem, because the light's on in an office, so I holler through the mail slot.  I can hear a radio in the background, and the maintenance guy's truck is still there, so there must be someone around with a key to at least one of those padlocks.  No answer.

My phone was very helpfully in my car, only a few paces away, on the other side of the fence.  I began to wonder if I'd be warm enough sleeping all night in just my fleece, starting out hot and sweaty, and would the bathroom floor or a stadium seat be warmer?  I wondered how long Karl would take to come and get me, and whether I'd told him specifically where I was going.  I wondered if I were able to flag down a car, could someone do anything anyway?

Finally, I decided to take matters into my own hands.  I climbed the chain-link fence.  I wasn't at all sure I could do it, but at least it didn't have barbed wire on top.  I wedged my toe into a hole and pulled, fairly certain that my wimpy upper body could not hold the rest of me up.  I hesitated at the top, thinking that as soon as I threw my leg over, I'd topple head first to the ground.  But my days of horseback riding kicked in, and I clung like a vise to the skinniest saddle I've ever sat on.  The scariest part was sitting on the top bar, hovering 8 or 10 feet in the air, hoping that if I fell, it would be on the grassy outside, not the asphalt inside.  Just before I swung my other leg over, it occurred to me to check to see if any part of my clothing was hooked at the top.  It was.  Then I imagined myself, hanging upside down from one hooked ankle, and hoping I wouldn't be in that position long before I was either found and released, in utter humiliation, or my pants tore and I scuttled home half naked in utter humiliation.

Thankfully, neither occurred.  I dropped lightly to the ground, and instantly felt like an uber cool, black-clad, cat-burgler, hot-shot, superhero!  Cue the Mod Squad music.  I'm hopping tall fences, no big deal.  Oh yeah.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Drill & Chill 2014

We're on vacation, hunkered down in the rain in a cute little cottage in Oregon.  More about that later.

Meanwhile, here are some pictures from our third annual "Drill & Chill," the warm-up event for the 15th Alabama's upcoming season, where the gentlemen dust off their rifles and try to remember what "at the left oblique" means.  We ladies chat and take pictures, as usual.

The Captain says I shouldn't call it a "Drill & Chill" because of bad memories from our first year, when the soldiers had to drill in the snow!  But I don't think "Drill & Social" has the same ring to it, do you?

This year, we had a period dinner together after the soldiers drilled.  Everyone dressed, and it was great fun!

Private William Berry Sr.  
Fuzzy photo, but you can still see his sparkling blue eyes.

Sergeant Josiah Henry Newton
Peace out, man.

Captain Brock, ready for the serious business of drilling the troops.

The 15th Alabama, Co G, battle line.

2nd Sergeant Lawless and 1st Sergeant Newton

The Captain, demonstrating to the new troops the significance of the bars on his collar and the "chicken guts" on his sleeve.  Never say "sir" to anyone without them!

Or you know what will happen: "I will not call the First Sergeant 'Sir'!"

Sergeant Newton, inspecting the new recruits.

Fine new recruits.

Miss Rose
Though I see her modern counterpart every week, it's not the same as seeing my dear 19th century niece!  Miss Rose is working on a fine new dress for the season.

The sergeants, firing over the shoulder.

Wake up, fellows!

Another over the shoulder shot.  It looks cool.

Aim at Mrs. Kirkland.

Um, Captain Brock, how oblique did you mean, Sir?

Private Kirkland, are you really aiming straight for your mama?

Battle line hilarity.

The Captain - shame on him - teaching the youths to play cards.

These two caught on quickly, and cleaned up!

I took the opportunity to practice my loading again.  You never know when I might need it!  (Excuse the horrible hair farb.  I ran out of time to put it up!)

We ended the day with a period dinner: pot roast with orange, roasted potatoes, green beans and deviled carrots.  For dessert we had strawberry-rhubarb pie, apple pie, and Victoria spongecake.  I heartily regret not getting some pictures of the dinner, but perhaps someone else did.  It was absolutely wonderful to see everyone again, and I cannot wait for our first event together!