Monday, August 19, 2013

Captain Brock Falls; Rufus Rises

...In which, a good time was had by all.  To say the least.  The Battle at Roy was fun.  It was so much fun, that I've held off writing about it for a week, just to savor the experience.

We have some marvelous new recruits.  This is Scarlett and Olivia.  They're fun!

This is Rose.  Rose is one of the Usual Suspects, and we brought her along with us from home.  She's hooked now and wants to come back to the 1860's with us again!  The 1860's are incredibly addictive and should be experienced with extreme caution.

These two fine fellows are on a water run.  Private Dennis Billings, on the left, is a fine new recruit.  You'll hear more about him in a minute.  You may remember Private William Barry, on the right.  His brother Sylvester tried to go over to the Yankees last year and was arrested and shot.

Morning inspection: The girls picked up Rufus' hand-slap game pretty quickly.

And then graced us with a fine Hokey-Pokey:

Clarence passed inspection with flying colors.

Calvin, rattled by the 1st Sergeant, almost didn't!

Are these not the most adorable southern lads you've ever seen?  That's Oliver, who is Olivia's, um, brother.  I think Oliver and Clarence are very much alike!

1st Sergeant Newton and Captain Brock.  Before the trial.  More about that later...

Miss Sarah's husband Jonathan joined us as chaplain.  It was a pleasure to have him!

Look how large and fearsome our battle line is.  (The line overall.  Individual soldier size may vary.  A lot.)  Go Alabama!

I had a whole crowd of young 'uns around my tent this weekend.  Isn't Miss N. adorable?  The children chopped a huge pile of vegetables for Saturday's supper.

This is Miss P., who is Miss N's sister, providing shade for Rufus.  Miss P. is adorable.  I saw her on Wednesday at the fair and she didn't recognize me outside the 1860's, though she's spent several weekends hanging out with me!

Trouble brewing.  Corporal Sammy called Clarence to come help him with something, but he wouldn't say what.  Looks like they're plotting something with Wilson, Johnny and Corporal Danny.  Hmm...

Captain Brock under arrest?!  It can't be!

Captain Brock greets Lieutenant Williams at the start of his trial.  Seems our fine Captain has been investing our pay unwisely.

Captain Brock under guard.

Captain Brock tried to charm the jury of his peers, he tried to distract them and make an escape, he tried everything, but to no avail.

They brought out evidence against him.  He says he invested our pay in the Bank of Nashville, but that bank went under in '61!  Where's the money?  It turns out Captain Brock has a gambling problem.

"That's not me!  These are fine fellows.  It's not what it looks like; this was a business meeting."  Then Captain Brock had the gall to try to implicate me.  Me!  Back in May, the Captain asked me to perform a small secretarial service for him, by making up the bond certificates from the Bank of Nashville.  But I had no knowledge of the illegality of his actions!  Fortunately, the Colonel was not distracted by the Captain's ploy, and soundly denounced him for trying to drag an innocent woman into his downfall.

Colonel Toby Gulley, head of the Confederate forces, debates the matter.

Captain Brock, stripped of his rank, removes his hat and turns his tie over to...

Captain Newton!  That makes Rufus 1st Sergeant, and Danny 2nd Sergeant.  The whole pack shuffles.

Private Brock is remanded to his unit for punishment.

Captain Newton was prepared for an execution and called for a Roman vote.  I reminded the unit, however, that Captain Brock had never voted to execute one of his own men, so after discussing possible latrine duty, and with promises of good behavior in the future, Captain Brock was returned to his post.

After the fun, we returned to business, with our annual board (Rufus says "bored") meeting on Saturday night.  Here's the board, (minus me, Civilian Coordinator, because I was cooking.)  I made a huge pot of jambalaya for about 20 people and they ate every bite!  I need a larger stove...

The Saturday evening light was golden and lovely.

Did I mention that (Captain) Kyle joined us again?  You'd think he'd have had enough after being trussed at the last event, but he's a sucker for punishment and we were delighted to have him.

The girls.  Wish my teen years could have been like this!  Scarlett, Hannah, Clarence, Bethany, Rose, and Rachel.

Frederick and a stunning sunset.

Sunday morning inspection.  Calvin is still in his nightcap.

Sgt Lawless laughs at him, and has this to say, "Before us in proud humiliation stood the embodiment of manhood..." from a speech by Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain.  Rufus always has the perfect thing to say, doesn't he?

But Calvin passes inspection.

So does Clarence.

Sgt Newton tries to intimidate Hannah...

...and Scarlett, but they just laugh.

Miss Sarah always passes inspection.  Maybe it's the cookies...

Kyle looks worried.  Maybe he should bring cookies.

I love Pvt Rounds' poses!

Apparently Rob has been up to a little naughtiness over in artillery camp...


But in other news, Sergeant Lawless received a promotion!  He's now 2nd Lieutenant Rufus Lawless.  Which actually means that he's still 2nd Sgt Lawless unless both the Captain and Lieutenant Rounds can't make an event, then Lawless is in charge.

On Sunday morning, some of the fellows had to help the artillery crews move a couple of cannons.

Sammy, did you call the 1st Sergeant "Sir" again?

The young 'uns, defending their southern home!

Private Billings instructed Rose in the use of the bayonet.

Then came the best part of the weekend.  I don't have many pictures of it, because I was too busy!  Private Billings asked if I would be his Mama.  I happily agreed, and we dressed him in the blood shirt we'd made in May, and then we strolled along the audience, discussing the farm, Uncle Henry's failing health, and the difficulty of getting the crops in with all the men away.  Heads turned.  

Captain Brock and the rest of the unit showed up looking for conscripts.  My boy clung to my arm and had to be dragged away, but they took him nonetheless, along with Mrs. P's boy Sammy.  Then, (as you knew it would), the worst happened.  As we sat watching the terrible battle, a stretcher appeared with a dead soldier on it.  Mrs. P. said to me, "I think that's your boy, Mrs. Kirkland!"  It was indeed, oh sorrowful day!  I wept over his body, but when a passing civilian asked for his shoes, my ire was roused and I told him off.  A boy standing nearby laughed, and I asked him, "Are you mocking my pain?  Would you give your life, as my boy has done?"  He shook his head shamefully.  I turned to other onlookers.  "Who among you would spare your child?  I see some of you with boys old enough to fight.  Why aren't they out there, defending their homes as my boy has done?"

I love this stuff!!  :-)

My boy, unfortunately, kept twitching in his death throws until I threatened to take his bayonet and finish him off!  Here he lies.

But the unit survived intact.

"O Captains, my Captains!"

After everyone else left on Sunday night, a few of us die-hards (chuckle) remained.  Sometimes the after-party is almost as much fun as the event.  We hung out at my tent cracking jokes until Hailey said, "Just for the record, I could not be having more fun!"  That pretty much sums it up for all of us.

The girls asked if they could sleep out by the fire.  I said, "No."  "Maybe."  "Yeah, that sounds fun."  So we slept by the fire - Hailey, Claire, Rose, Me and Rufus, with Kyle and Donny in their cars behind us.  It would have been great, except for the mosquitoes.

Rufus put on the "bonnet of shame."  I'm not sure why.  It's tough coming out of the 1860's.  Do whatever you've got to do to re-adjust.  I don't judge.

It pains Kyle, though.

Donny and Kyle, modern versions.  Love these guys - the laughter never stops when they're around!

Clarence's dog tent.

Clarence, midway through re-entry.

We went out to breakfast and ate the cinnamon rolls we missed on Sunday morning.  (Sunday morning cinnamon rolls are an Alabama tradition, but Calvin was sick of them and asked for biscuits and gravy instead.  But we made up for it on Monday.)  Rose nearly had to be dragged from the restaurant, and I think we were the very last ones to leave the event.

But we've got Fort Stevens in 3 weeks!

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