Thursday, August 1, 2013

Fiddle Dee Dee!

What do you get when you take a bunch of really happy people of all ages with a variety of instruments, and throw them together on a hot, windy elementary school ball field for a week?  Fiddle Camp, of course!

Last year I was decidedly unexcited about the prospect of going to Fiddle Camp.  Sure, the kids would have a blast, but I'd be spending the week cooling my heels in the middle of nowhere.  It turned out to be restful and fun however, but I still was none too excited to leave home again so soon for a week there this year.

I was wrong.  There's just no way not to absolutely love Fiddle Camp!  What an amazing environment for musical kids to hang out in.  Some of the top fiddlers in the state and country came to teach musicians of all ages.  Claire and Brennan took classes for most of the day, and then participated in optional workshops in the afternoon.  Every evening brought dances in the school gym, homemade pie and ice cream, and on Wednesday, the "band scramble," where mixed bands were formed to perform for the rest of us.

On Thursday, Claire took part in an evening jam with her teacher from last year.  When Brennan and I headed back to the tent, we came across a group of about 50 kids playing and singing in the middle of the soccer field.  One of the older girls had taken charge and was asking each child what they wanted to play, including a tiny tot, who only knew "Mary Had a Little Lamb," so, much to the little girl's delight, the whole group played it together, very slowly, with her.  The kids at Fiddle Camp were fantastic.  They were so encouraging of one another, and I never saw even a tiny quarrel the whole week.

Setting up our tent.

Dancing in the gym.

Claire jamming.  She took guitar classes all week and played fiddle on the side.  Although she's only had one guitar lesson, Claire played in the intermediate class and is progressing rapidly!

Zombie children at the final recital!  I was sitting very far up in the bleachers.

Claire's guitar class.

Brennan's final recital.

Could not get Claire's final recital video to load, (which is why it's taken me half a week to post this!  Sorry!!)

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