Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Civil War Pathways

A couple of weeks ago, Calvin and Abigail made an appearance at the Washington State Historical Society museum in Tacoma to join in the opening festivities for a new exhibit, "Civil War Pathways in the Pacific Northwest."  The exhibit runs through July - check it out!

I didn't get many pictures, but we had a fun day, and it was great to reconnect with some of our fellow re-enactors. ( I'm not sure why the color is so dull in this photo; it looks much nicer in the original.)  We learned some really interesting information about the effects of the Civil War in the northwest.  I hope to browse their online materials soon.

This is a "housewife," a soldier's sewing kit.  I didn't realize they came with patches of fabric.

The museum is right next to the famous glass museum, and is connected by a bridge featuring these incredible works of art.  We ducked out of the rain for a minute to check them out.

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