Saturday, February 1, 2014

Go 'Hawks!

Did I just write that?  "Go 'Hawks"?  Yes, I did.  I'm no sports fan, generally speaking, but  Super Bowl fever has hit around here in a big way.  (I'm told, in my ignorance that it's Super Bowl, not superbowl.)  Apparently this is the first time since, like, 1971 that a Washington team is headed for glory, and absolutely everyone is obsessed with the idea.  Driving into town and back yesterday, I counted no fewer than 30 expressions of Super Bowl excitement, including a guy who's hair was shaved into a Seahawk, and a bridal store with a window full of blue and green dresses!

I'm even having a Super Bowl party over here.  To my thinking, Super Bowl means big bowls full of chips and dip, and I'm all over that.  My friend Beth, who is coming to the party, says she's probably never watched an entire football game in her life, but food and friends make it worthwhile.  My feelings exactly.  So I'm getting into the spirit here.  While I won't be making any blue food (I have a thing about blue food; it's so wrong), I may wear the colors, and I'll probably cheer like crazy.  When I'm not attacking the dip bowl, that is.

Brennan celebrated his birthday last night by having 5 friends over for an all-night game party.  They went to bed at 6:30am!  Our house rang with the sounds of half a dozen teenage boys, and tomorrow it'll ring again with the cheers (or groans, perish the thought), of half a dozen grown men.  I'm declaring Monday "Sound of Silence" day.

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