Friday, December 14, 2012

Whatever Happened to Pretty?!

Warning: This is a shopping rant.  I will be discussing underwear.

Guilty confession:  I went shopping yesterday, for myself.  I'm gonna Christmas shop for you too, but I really happen to need some new clothes right now.

Have you seen what's out there?  Of course you have.  Everything is too bright, too loud, too sexy.  I don't have a problem with sexy, I don't, but where are the pretty clothes?  Sexy is the new pretty.  Hot pink is the new blush.  Leopard print is the new floral.

Underwear is the worst.  (Yep, here we go.  Underwear again.  But the only reason I talked about underwear in September is because it was, um, big and different.)  What a contrast, in fact, to the white, lacy, be-ribboned stuff of the 1860's.  I really don't want to walk around with "HOT" on my backside - false advertising, to say the least!  Nor, for that matter, do I want to walk around with nothing on my backside and a tiny strip of hot pink or lime green on the other side.  But those seem to be my choices.  Girl, if you have to advertise that aggressively, go ahead, but couldn't you leave me a little corner of the store for pretty clothes?



  1. Well said! You should send this to the newspaper opinions.

  2. Thank you Crystal. I hope if I ever make the newspaper though, that I won't be talking about underwear!

  3. I hate shopping anymore! It seems like there is nothing in the stores for anyone over 25 and under 65.
